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Parents & Teachers Association (PTA)

All parents and carers at St Matthew's automatically become a member of the PTA when they join the school.  Parents and carers of pupils at St Matthew’s can volunteer their time and skills to help share ideas and run events throughout the school year.  

St Matthew's currently elected PTA are as follows:


Sarah Horseman - Chair
Pending - Assistant Chair
Kerry-Anne Bowyer - Treasurer
Kerry-Anne Bowyer - Secretary

Primarily, the PTA’s main objectives are:

   - to raise funds for the school
   - strengthen links between parents, school and the community

The PTA Funds raised are spent on things that the school budget does not cover and plans would be decided in partnership with Mrs Maltese and Ms Green.

If you’d like to find out more about the PTA, or would like to get more actively involved in fun events, please email